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have a cow!
How to thrive in a post-cow world, A Guide
with Recipes
by Janeson Rayne
Anyone who enjoys food and wants to feel great will love
this book. In simple, direct language, the authour presents
a wealth of easy-to-digest health tips and over 70 fabulous
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The Post Petrolem SURVIVAL GUIDE and cookbook
Recipes for a Changing
by Albert Bates.
hopeful and humorous look at the next 30 yearsto the
world beyond petroleum.
A world
beyond petroleum needn't be a scary propositionit
can be something to relish. As we move from a global culture
addicted to cheap, abundant petroleum to a culture of compelled
conservation, the Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook provides useful, practical advice for preparing your family
and community to make the transition.
a positive, upbeat, and optimistic view of the Great
Change, this book offers recipes for these turbulent
times that mend the many rifts that oil culture has spawned.
Wide-ranging in scope, topics covered include:
- Rebuilding
- Changing
your needs
- Water
and waste disposal
- Energy
and transportation
- Equipment
and tools
- Food
storage and first aid
featuring playful recipessome using basic, wholesome
foods, some illustrating food growing or preservation, and
all emphasizing organic, flavourful and locally grown produce
that readily substitute one for anotherthis book is
about having your catastrophe and eating it too.
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